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Playlists of channel "UC88tlMjiS7kf8uhPWyBTn_A", see also videos

139 videos /  Captain Joe Short Aviation Facts

10 videos /  1 MINUTE Debrief series by CAPTAIN JOE

2 videos /  Microsoft Flight Simulator Videos by CAPTAIN JOE

5 videos /  The airplane FUEL playlist by CAPTAIN JOE

7 videos /  Aviation Weather

2 videos /  VOR Explained by CAPTAIN Joe

5 videos /  Weird looking planes

2 videos /  All you need to know about the ILS (INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM)

7 videos /  RUNWAY VICTORY 2017 project by CAPTAIN JOE and team

3 videos /  All you should know about CONCORDE

19 videos /  FUN FACTS about aviation

87 videos /  TECHNICAL STUFF you need to know

4 videos /  HOW DO I ... ? Video playlist

1 videos /  VLOGs Life of a pilot