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Videos of playlist "PLj3heGzcJWd8HwRxKx61ufOKcTsQ2IM6H"

0:44 / What is the DIRTIEST PART on a plane? #shorts

0:33 / DID YOU KNOW Concorde Stretched 6-10 inches? #shorts

0:37 / What was SO SPECIAL about Concorde's NOSE? #shorts

0:35 / Why did CONCORDE have FOUR LANDING GEARS? #shorts

0:27 / AIRBUS vs BOEING Strobe lights! HOW TO TELL THE DIFFERENCE? #shorts

0:36 / Who LAUNCHED the 737 FIRST??? #shorts

0:37 / Which ENGINES power the STRATOLAUNCHER??? #shorts

0:37 / DID YOU KNOW Hooters had their OWN AIRLINE??? #shorts

0:39 / What is the SHORTEST COMMERCIAL FLIGHT??? #shorts

0:33 / Why is the landing gear TILTED??? #shorts

0:28 / Did YOU KNOW some PASSENGERS NEVER SLEEP??? #shorts

0:31 / Which MUSIC BAND had it's own BOEING 747??? #shorts

0:40 / How many CONCORDE's were supposed to be BUILT??? #shorts

0:23 / What was so SPECIAL about the HARRIER JUMP JET??? #shorts

0:30 / Which plane will REPLACE the HARRIER JUMP JET??? #shorts

0:40 / What does CAPS stand for (Cirrus planes)??? #shorts

0:42 / WHO landed on CARDBOARD BOXES instead of a RUNWAY??? #shorts

0:39 / How LARGE is the BIGGEST RC-PLANE??? #shorts

0:31 / How LONG is the LONGEST RC-PLANE flight??? #shorts

0:55 / Can an RC-PLANE cross the ATLANTIC??? #shorts