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Videos of playlist "PLz_B0PFGIn4cfahLaE406BWHwYkYHqB57"

2:37 / Sirimavo Bandaranaike: The world’s first woman prime minister - BBC World Service, Witness History

3:05 / Ciabatta: Born to battle the baguette - Witness History, BBC World Service

4:29 / Escaping the race riots of 1919 - Witness History, BBC World Service

3:44 / Chosen to be a Kumari goddess - BBC World Service, Witness History

2:20 / Octavia E Butler: Visionary black sci-fi writer - BBC World Service, Witness History

2:55 / I led the hunt for the Boston Marathon bombers - Witness History, BBC World Service

4:11 / The job that brought Sir Trevor McDonald to Britain - Witness History, BBC World Service

9:05 / The real-life 'Queen's Gambit' - BBC World Service, Witness History

3:27 / Britain's Land Girls - BBC World Service, Witness History

8:50 / The Irish Contraceptive Train - BBC World Service, Witness History

3:20 / Iraq War: 'Most wanted' playing cards - BBC World Service, Witness History

3:23 / The first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize - BBC World Service, Witness History

9:18 / Miracle on the Hudson - BBC World Service, Witness History

4:23 / How the first report from Belsen shocked the world - Witness History, BBC World Service

4:21 / The woman who taught the West to cook Indian food - Witness History, BBC World Service

4:20 / The story behind Manchester's legendary Reno nightclub - Witness History, BBC World Service

4:11 / I helped bring down dope cheat Lance Armstrong - Witness History, BBC World Service

4:17 / Remembering the first Gay Games - Witness History, BBC World Service

2:14 / The love story behind the Pap smear test - BBC World Service

3:16 / The man who brought the party to Ibiza - Witness History, BBC World Service