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Videos of playlist "PLxnOUl5g286nBj8sCylU4D35O8HuJKAGh"

1:07:28 / AJ's 40K Battle Report [Ep.00] - Imperial Guard Vs. Tyranids! 9th Ed.

1:06:56 / AJ's Battle Reports - Nurgle Before Christmas Special! OJ vs Alex 500 pnts 9th Edition 40K!

1:09:31 / AJ's 40K Battle Reports - AngryJoe's Blood Angels vs. Alex's Daemons of Nurgle!

39:59 / AJ's 40K Battle Reports - AngryJoe's Imperial Guard vs. Matt's Dark Hunter Space Marines!

28:51 / Unboxing our Custom 40K Angry Army! + OtherJoe's Birthday Gift!

31:37 / AngryJoe's Angry Ork Army Unboxing! - Den of Imagination

40:22 / AJ's Battle Reports Ep.1 - The Battle for the Sector Begins! [Alex vs OJ]

38:51 / AJ's Battle Reports Ep.2 - The Tyranids Invade the Sector! [AJ vs. Ray]

43:02 / AJ's Battle Reports Ep.3 - Who is the Worst Joe? [AJ vs OJ]

31:40 / AJ's Battle Reports Ep.4 - 40K CHAMPIONSHIP GAME! Nurgle vs. Tyranids!

43:06 / SAGA: Age of Vikings #1: Anglo-Danes vs Norse-Gaels - Joe & Jay Battle Reports

50:21 / We play a Warhammer 40K Dungeon Crawler! Blackstone Fortress - Warhammer Wednesday WK6

25:17 / NEW Combat Patrol in Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Battle Report! – Aeldari vs Astra Militarum

55:12 / PODCAST: Warhammer 40K 10th's RELEASE w/ Play on Tabletop & Tabletop Titans!

38:51 / Tyranids vs Blood Angels - Warhammer 40K 10th Edition Leviathan [AJ's Battle Reports]

38:30 / Blood Angels vs Thousand Sons - Warhammer 40K AJ's Battle Reports 10th Edition

50:59 / We Review Warhammer 40K 10th Edition After 1 Month - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly!

1:07:25 / Our 1st AJSA Warhammer 40K 8-Player Tournament Results!

33:23 / AJ's Bolt Action Series Ep 1: Starting Historical Wargaming [US vs Germans 500pnt]