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Videos of playlist "PLxV5brx_Hlk8UdCSnHnXxbk8j1W4f01_J"

3:28 / 1 AM - iris olympia (original song)

5:15 / a song abt being in love with ur bestie but in a confusing platonic way

4:03 / gaslight (youtube version) - iris olympia

4:21 / another song about quarantine...

4:53 / the best song i've ever written...

2:01 / i want it that way (original song) - iris olympia

1:35 / this is what regret feels like...

2:54 / toxic little island (a song about growing up)

2:29 / a song about a senior boy lol HA hA

4:19 / a song i wrote in 15 minutes

2:21 / a song about being stressed as hell lol

3:05 / song about my favorite ex

3:15 / residue - iris olympia

3:40 / i wrote a song in german (ist es soweit?)

4:55 / runaway - iris olympia (original song)

2:36 / song about being ghosted - original by iris olympia

7:32 / a song about a crush

7:03 / a song about losing someone...

3:53 / baby it's cold - iris olympia

7:23 / a song about being sad