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Videos of playlist "PLvEIxIeBRKSiSHYCQQgNXmSSE2sEYKAvl"

1:07:20 / Free to Play With the New Core Set! Episode 1: The Prologue | Forged in the Barrens | Hearthstone

50:13 / F2P #2: The Core Set is Here! Big Changes! | Forged in the Barrens | Hearthstone

40:54 / F2P #3: Pear Rank is Real Competitive! | Forged in the Barrens | Hearthstone

1:06:23 / F2P #4: The Shaman Saga | Forged in the Barrens | Hearthstone

48:46 / F2P #5: Goodbye Zoo, It Was a Nice Run! | Forged in the Barrens | Hearthstone

1:10:31 / F2P #6: I FINALLY BEAT DENNIS!! | Forged in the Barrens | Hearthstone

53:41 / F2P #7: There Are 40 APPRENTICE RANKS?!?! | Forged in the Barrens | Hearthstone

57:34 / F2P #8: RNJesus Sent a Sign!! | Forged in the Barrens | Hearthstone

1:03:09 / F2P #9: Alexstrasza is Preeeetty Good! | Forged in the Barrens | Hearthstone

55:01 / F2P #10: The Super Shaman Saga | Forged in the Barrens | Hearthstone

1:04:11 / F2P #11: I Became What I Hated... | Forged in the Barrens | Hearthstone

1:12:56 / F2P #12: I Craft My First Cards! | Forged in the Barrens | Hearthstone

56:26 / F2P #13: Bullying Mages | Forged in the Barrens | Hearthstone

1:03:53 / F2P #14: We in the Single Digits Now Bois! | Forged in the Barrens | Hearthstone

26:24 / F2P #15: The Last Games of Magestone! | Forged in the Barrens | Hearthstone

1:04:25 / F2P #16: New Meta, Deck Changes & LONG Queue Times! | Forged in the Barrens | Hearthstone

53:59 / F2P #17: Graduation Day! | Forged in the Barrens | Hearthstone

31:08 / F2P #18: 74 Stars in 4 Games?! | Forged in the Barrens | Hearthstone

39:05 / F2P #19: INSANE Win Rate! We Are Going to the Moon!! | Forged in the Barrens | Hearthstone

53:19 / F2P #20: I Spent 2 Hours to Get From Rank 8 to Rank 8?!? | Forged in the Barrens | Hearthstone