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Videos of playlist "PLvEIxIeBRKSiM8RO5HX1dELAR8w6wlz9g"

50:25 / Hearthstone Mercenaries F2P: The First Steps (Gameplay)

37:12 / Hearthstone Mercenaries F2P: Ooops. I've Done Goofed (Gameplay)

41:16 / Hearthstone Mercenaries F2P: Barrens COMPLETED! (Gameplay)

38:32 / Hearthstone Mercenaries: Underleveled New Party Challenge (Gameplay)

36:46 / Never Go Full Brightwing! | Mercenaries | Hearthstone

31:08 / Overpowered Fire Team! | Mercenaries | Hearthstone

29:13 / BURNING DOWN FELWOOD!! | Mercenaries | Hearthstone

41:15 / First Hearthstone Mercenaries PVP Gameplay! & The Shortest F2P Ever!

20:47 / HEROIC Encounter?! Worth the Effort or too Hard? | Mercenaries | Hearthstone

30:51 / Crushing REAL PEOPLE With my Nature Team! | Mercenaries | Hearthstone

1:24:17 / Winterspring FULL Clear! | Mercenaries | Hearthstone

36:42 / Is Samuro Actually Overpowered?! | Mercenaries | Hearthstone

1:25:02 / Blackrock Mountain FULL Clear! | Mercenaries | Hearthstone

34:19 / Road To Mercenaries RANK 1?! Let's Go! | Mercenaries | Hearthstone

43:50 / It Is Getting WILD! New Setup! | Mercenaries | Hearthstone

34:28 / Tyrande Gets FIRED!! | Mercenaries | Hearthstone

34:58 / My Newest Addition: Lady Anacondra! | Mercenaries | Hearthstone

34:20 / So... I Bought the Diablo Bundle... | Mercenaries | Hearthstone

40:39 / How Is This Legal?! | Mercenaries | Hearthstone

36:37 / How To Beat A MAXED Out Lich King! | Mercenaries | Hearthstone