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Videos of playlist "PLtra-MWzIvZH9sHFCap2X0ryrR6L3oJFZ"

5:47 / Myths and Legends of the Aurora Borealis | Earth Unplugged

7:10 / Could the Northern Lights Signal a Global Catastrophe | Earth Science

10:10 / Why Misunderstanding Killer Whales is Threatening their Survival | Earth Unplugged

5:58 / What Diseases Frozen in Ice could be Hidden in our Glaciers? | Earth Science

9:13 / By Deforesting Iceland, were Vikings Hollywood’s First Set Designers? | Earth Unplugged

8:52 / How Geothermal Energy Revolutionised Iceland’s Greenhouses | Earth Science

2:08 / BBC Earth Presenter Search 2018: How to Apply | BBC Earth