YTAPI search:

Videos of playlist "PLpGHT1n4-mAtTj9oywMWoBx0dCGd51_yG"

1:33:32 / Lecture 12: Core Data

1:02:16 / Lecture 13: Persistence

49:28 / Lecture 11: Picker

1:01:43 / Lecture 14: UIKit Integration

1:43:27 / Lecture 10: Navigation + TextField

1:13:21 / Lecture 9: Data Flow

1:15:54 / Lecture 8: Gestures JSON

1:30:58 / Lecture 7: Multithreading EmojiArt

1:01:55 / Lecture 5: ViewBuilder + Shape + ViewModifier

1:30:27 / Lecture 6: Animation

1:21:27 / Lecture 4: Grid + enum + Optionals

1:26:47 / Lecture 3: Reactive UI + Protocols + Layout

1:02:20 / Lecture 1: Course Logistics and Introduction to SwiftUI

1:43:53 / Lecture 2: MVVM and the Swift Type System