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Videos of playlist "PLlNxGTw_uaK07BpRI467hcgV5jASkuvL5"

11:57 / Whales aren't fish? Evidence that whales are mammals Nature observation

13:01 / a year of frogs Nature observation learning

11:33 / Ants living together What does an anthill look like? Nature observation Toddler learning

11:24 / [Yura and Nature Friend Chapter 07] A plant that catches worms? Flytrap Drosera rotundifolia

14:07 / Why did dinosaurs disappear? In the dinosaur age, I met herbivores and carnivores! Nature kids

10:02 / Spiders hunting prey with webs Is the spider an insect? poisonous spider Tarantula nature kids

10:55 / Octopus sea creature with ink weapons infant nature observation learning

11:53 / [Yura&Natural Friends 03]Long-horn fighter longevity beet! Longevity beetle VS Stag beetle?

10:24 / Poisoned fish Blowfish sea creature Nature observation Blowfish song kids Learning

9:20 / Why does the cicada cry?ă…£Cicada Song Children's Shake Nature Observation Learning [nature' Friends]