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Videos of playlist "PLjTvZmPcuetm6YER6eXEUUIc1kU1U8Cp6"

34:07 / No Going Back In if You Get Soaked! Fischer's Goes to a Gigantic Pool

21:42 / Bubbly Treasure Hunt! [Tokyo Summerland]

25:29 / Can't get out of the tub until we "fish" every bath bomb fish.

25:49 / End the summer perfectly at Yomiuri Land, but we can’t get wet! lol [Total domination]

19:55 / Bath hater has to stay in the tub until every type of bath bomb Pokémon appears! Lol

13:01 / Can’t get out of the tub until every capsule animal is named.

10:32 / 10,000 Duck Bath Prank lol

12:38 / Soaking in a hot tub until we get every toy in the bath bombs is crazy as hell?! [Anpanman]

11:38 / [Freezing cold] The first to get out of the tub wins the Ice Bath Uno game!

9:11 / [Shocker] A 100kg-tuna is swimming in your tub! lol [a real one]

13:44 / A hellish challenge! Can't get out of the bath until we get the bath bomb secret!?

8:29 / Dad Loses It When He Jumps into a Tub Filled with 500 Pieces of Poop

7:40 / [Prank] I welcomed a real alligator into my home's bathroom.

12:48 / What happens when you put 55,000 water balloons in a pool!?

13:47 / 【高級】一本で数万円する超高級シャンプーなら目隠しで当てられるに決まってんだろ!!

11:40 / 【検証】ハッカ油をつけた状態でサウナに入ったら寒い?暑い?

8:25 / 【流行】WHO are YOU?を大量に購入して風呂にぶち込んだら爆笑したwww

6:44 / カレー風呂作ったら食品の気持ちがわかった気がした。

9:21 / 吹いたら水風呂!お笑い銭湯がハードすぎるwww

6:30 / 墨汁風呂に入って人間巨大書初めしてみた結果!?