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Videos of playlist "PLhIpNUm2RRCrI9EnK6tc7Jyv3coup9QZv"

1:41:21 / Adley & Niko CHRiSTMAS CHALLENGES!! Mystery Stockings, Family Fun, Santa Mom, ELF & HOLiDAY MOViE

1:37:14 / SANTA iS COMiNG!! Snowy the Family Elf last crazy morning routine! Best Christmas Ever the MOViE

20:13 / SNOWY the FAMiLY ELF is back!! the return of Santa Dad! ice skating and musical kids before bed

18:14 / OUR ELF is a MERMAiD!? Morning Routine and Candy Drink Experiment! Adley Christmas Dance Recital

28:43 / Adley SiNG and DANCE Recital 🎤 Navey loves watching Adleys song! Snowy Elf trapped inside a balloon

28:51 / Snowy the PiRATE ELF!! our last Fairy Battle before Winter! Adley & Niko visit new Christmas Lights!

12:49 / NOOO!! OUR ELF made a MESS inside our house! Family goes to Christmas tree lights at Temple Square!

56:04 / CHRiSTMAS MORNiNG with Adley, Niko, & Navey!! Snowy Elf has a Baby Sister! magical opening presents

18:19 / OUR ELF DiD THiS!! Morning Mystery for Hidden Chocolate, Making Decorations, and a Christmas Party!

19:31 / SNOWY gets STiCKER POX!! Christmas Eve routine & Elf Trap! Cookie Decorating! Family Dance Party!

7:27 / ELF ON THE SHELF COMES TO ADLEY'S HOUSE (What’s her name?)

43:41 / SNOWY our FAMiLY ELF is back!! Navey Niko & Adley decorate the Christmas Tree morning routine mess

19:32 / HiDDEN LETTERS to SANTA!! Adley Finds our Christmas Elf Snow and the family plays a new game!

35:26 / Snowy ELF was BATHROOM FiSHiNG!! Dad cooks Pancake Kids! Daddy Adley Date with a friends Santa Note

11:14 / ELF HiDE N SEEK!! Playing inside Christmas Tree Park for family night! (Jenny and i get SiCK)

38:56 / DECORATiNG our FAMiLY TREE 🎄 a Christmas Tradition with Navey Niko and Adley! Making Merry Memories

42:03 / SNOWY ELF SURPRiSES Adley Niko and Navey!! Snow inside our House on Christmas Eve, crazy family fun

45:11 / SNOWY our TRiCKY ELF is back!! 500 cup Hide n Seek then Spacestation Crew Jump Party at Ninja Park

0:48 / SNOWY the ELF is back!! Adley and Niko find hidden chocolate from tiny Santa helper #Shorts