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Videos of playlist "PLhIpNUm2RRCo2STRVd6JvJJyXRXVyb40E"

9:51 / She Has a Vampire Tooth!!

16:39 / Vampire Tooth - Adley has a Dentist Visit

14:13 / BRAVE DENTiST VISIT!! Adley has a tooth check up at our clinic and gets her vampire teeth cleaned!

15:44 / ADLEY GETS ME READY!! Family Morning Routine, Vampire Teeth, and a Beach Day!!

12:48 / BRAVE DOCTOR VISIT!! Adley needs a throat check up for her voice!

19:58 / NIKO gets a FAKE TOOTH!! Morning Dentist visit then New Freeze Game with Frozen Princess Adley!

21:31 / Adley GRADUATiON and SURPRiSE!! Niko magic bubbles & dentist visit to fix my broken vampire tooth!

29:14 / Double Dentist visit for Niko & Adley!! morning routine, a tooth checkup, and a train to Hawaii

20:28 / Adley has STiCKER POX!! Brave Doctor visit with Nurse Mom and 2 Shots from Dr Dad new play pretend

29:31 / NiKO LOSES HiS TOOTH!!!! Brave Bear and his emergency Dentist visit! painting a tooth fairy box 🦷

34:51 / WiGGLE TOOTH!! Adley's First Loose Tooth! Family Bike Ride a House Tour & Crafts with Niko n Adley

39:28 / BEiNG BRAVE at the DENTiST!! Adley Niko & Navey visit for a tooth check up then backyard ice cream