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Videos of playlist "PLgsTrCa1Nu0jea1x-vk4lyE17aaM-u9lz"

2:58 / Nastya - TOYS - kids song (Official video)

3:05 / Like Nastya - You Can - Kids Song (Official Music Video)

2:49 / Nastya Little Angel Song (Official Music Video)

2:45 / Nastya - birthday song - (Official Video)

4:29 / Song for kids about fruit smoothies from Nastya

3:31 / Swimming song - Stacy pretend play Nursery Rhymes & Kid's songs

3:35 / Nastya - Sorry - Kids Song (Official Video)

1:59 / Nastya - It's Me - song for kids (Official Music video)

2:48 / Hurry up to school - nursery rhymes song

3:09 / Nastya and dad - let's taking a bath - song for kids

3:48 / Daddy sick song - nursery rhyme for kids about Dad from Nastya

2:39 / Nastya - song about the first day at the School

2:30 / Song for kids by Nasty and her toys

2:14 / Nastya - Happy birthday song (Official video)