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Videos of playlist "PLeLwU_kby2F-9K2Z560TI1y9tYc_W1QZM"

8:54 / Chapter 1: Gratefulness as Power: Thought as a Force

14:09 / Chapter 2: First Adventures: The Rose and a Duck

12:08 / Chapter 3: Manifesting in Real Time: Thoughts and Lists

12:20 / Chapter 4: Manifesting #1: A Key to the Kingdom

44:35 / Chapter 5: In Your Movie: Your Future Scripted and Directed By You

10:58 / Chapter 6: Manifesting #2: Worry and Your Words

5:35 / Chapter 7: ... and You Don't Need #3: Who You Really Are

7:49 / Chapter 8: Get Ready: It Is Already Happening

7:03 / Chapter 9: The Bonus: Grateful Things

19:28 / Chapter 10: Before You Take Off: Useful Bits