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Videos of playlist "PLbncXbXlaNQcxPHs1Dp8wmttVZU316k1v"

3:01 / Make It Real: Batman Rappeling Hook!

4:11 / Make it Real: Batman's Batarangs

5:24 / Make it Real: Laser Powered Bat Signal!

6:20 / Make It Real: Batman Grappling Hook Gun

1:28 / Batman Zipline using a Grappling Hook Gun

8:20 / Make it Real: Grappling Hook Winch (BUILD)

2:40 / Make it Real: Batman Grappling Hook Winch (TEST)

4:19 / Make it Real: Batman Grappling Hook Gun (FINAL TEST)

6:07 / Electric Batman Tumbler Part 1 - The Concept

8:46 / Electric Batman Tumbler Part 2 - First Test Drive

8:28 / Electric Batman Tumbler Part 3 - DUALIE WHEELS!

7:19 / Electric Batman Baja Part 4 - TOO MANY LIGHTS!

4:58 / Just out for a rip are ya bud (oh ya!)

14:03 / Worst Idea, or BEST IDEA!?

3:32 / Becoming BATMAN w/ Hacker Labs

37:52 / We built a GIANT Bat Signal that actually WORKS!

13:28 / Batman's NEW Folding METAL BATARANG! (+ GIVEAWAY!)

13:31 / Real Life Batcave Build! (Secret Entrances)