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Videos of playlist "PLaKYql_lKkqwA6WwcGpKLsr8hO46h5HjH"

12:30 / Two Pokemon pack opening addicts named Nogla and Panda go at it...

35:01 / I got Terroriser to open $5000 in Pokemon Packs

34:08 / More video proof I’m the luckiest person in the world…

17:23 / I pulled one of the best cards in Evolving Skies… *INSANE LUCK*

17:06 / Opening the forgotten 1st Edition 1999 Pokemon Booster Box!

14:20 / Video proof I’m the luckiest person in the world...

19:08 / My first ever Pokemon pack battle against NoahJ456...

12:31 / I bought a someones Pokémon childhood collection for $500 off ebay...

18:19 / I spend $1500 on Pokémon and my fiancée hated it...

16:50 / My fiancée and I open $1500 in Pokémon eBay Mystery boxes...