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Videos of playlist "PLUeUzxDasUMgeIJjZMFziTTP33XqYwmJ8"

41:22 / Digital Sack Lunch with Anthony Woodward and Erica Toelle

49:57 / Digital Sack Lunch with Matt Wade and Mick Herres

30:30 / Digital Sack Lunch with Karuana Gatimu

36:58 / Digital Sack Lunch with David Gersten

21:29 / Digital Sack Lunch with Dr. Petri I. Salonen

33:01 / Digital Sack Lunch with Jeff Shuey

12:19 / Digital Sack Lunch: Jeff Willinger and Christian Buckley talk Social Influence

5:13 / Digital Sack Lunch: John Puopolo and Christian Buckley talk SharePoint at #SPC12

7:42 / Digital Sack Lunch: Mark Miller and Christian Buckley talk SharePoint at #SPC12

11:58 / Digital Sack Lunch: Eric Overfield on SharePoint 2013 Branding and User Adoption at #SPSBEND

18:05 / Digital Sack Lunch: Tiffany Wallace, IAMCP, WPC Strategies, and Leadership Development

12:39 / Digital Sack Lunch: Paul Spain and Christian Buckley talk SharePoint at #WPC12

14:05 / Digital Sack Lunch: Chris Riley, Test Before Build, Hybrid Cloud, & Blinded by SharePoint Features

15:49 / Digital Sack Lunch: Owen Allen, Metadata, Natural Language Processing, and SharePoint

20:29 / Digital Sack Lunch: Liam Cleary, SharePoint Infrastructure and Scalability, and Resource Planning

16:46 / Digital Sack Lunch: Ant Clay, SharePoint Governance, Innovation Games & Building Requirements

15:21 / Digital Sack Lunch: Chris Beckett, Azure, o365, and SharePoint Hybrid Environments

13:29 / Digital Sack Lunch: Kat Tillman, Microsoft Partner Network, WPC, and IAMCP

19:24 / Digital Sack Lunch: Paul Culmsee, Knowledge Management, and SharePoint

15:54 / Digital Sack Lunch: Dan McPherson, Social Computing, and SharePoint