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Videos of playlist "PLU8fI-5lkaHo6HFwJDkzrEy3aeUFsxwQ2"

16:55 / Is it dangerous to swim in the AMAZON? | Fishing for piranhas

18:08 / Tips for surviving in the jungle : What insects and mushrooms to eat?

13:15 / Las curiosas mascotas de la gente de la selva amazónica | ¿Cómo viven?

12:28 / This hotel is built on TREES | Tree Lodge Amazonas

12:25 / In search of the "chullachaqui": the demon of the jungle... | FEAR LEGENDS

13:19 / The strangest market I have ever visited | Amazon: Belen, Peru

16:58 / WHAT DID THEY GIVE ME TO DRINK! | Iquitos: A SAVAGE city | Peru