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Videos of playlist "PLTBLax1DE163JQMCAAG77NHaWDN0tsJjm"

2:28:09 / No Nerf to Early Access Brawlers?! - Time to Explain

2:51:13 / The state of the Brawl Community - Time to Explain (Feat. @RealLex )

2:25:01 / The ACTUAL effect of Starr Drops - Time to Explain (feat. @SpenLC )

2:35:17 / TIME TO EXPLAIN - The Art and Design of Brawlers!

2:22:13 / TIME TO EXPLAIN - Was Bling a MISTAKE?! (feat. @KairosGaming )

2:06:56 / TIME TO EXPLAIN - The Brawl Stars Podcast - 1st Episode!