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Videos of playlist "PLT6yxVwBEbi1rwzmUs4tb7ANYGX8ul85r"

4:44 / Northern Ireland marks Bloody Sunday massacre, 50 years on | DW News

8:42 / Turkish Life in Germany: How it started and how it's going | DW Stories

7:07 / US marks 20th anniversary of 9/11 terror attacks | DW News

9:59 / Will Afghanistan become a haven for terror groups like al-Qaida again? | DW News

42:20 / 9/11 - The day that changed the world forever | DW News

26:07 / 20 years after 9/11: Is the war on terror a lost cause? | To The Point

8:03 / Russia marks 75th anniversary of WWII victory over Nazi Germany | DW News

9:10 / Allied bombing of Dresden: Legitimate target or war crime? | DW News

32:51 / Merkel speech at 75th anniversary of Hitler assassination attempt | DW News

7:38 / How China is covering up the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre | DW News

11:56 / First ever image of a Black Hole revealed | DW News

3:34 / Cross-dressing among Nazi-era German Wehrmacht soldiers | DW Feature

5:27 / Poland: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 75 years On | DW English

4:51 / 150 years at Oktoberfest: a family's story | DW English

4:01 / The history of the bicycle | DW English

2:53 / Brazil: Samba dances to its 100th birthday | World Stories

4:32 / Ukraine: massacres of the Jews | Focus on Europe

12:08 / Paris stands together after the attacks | DW Reporter - On this day 13.11.2015

1:39 / 2000 years of shoe history | DW News

1:36 / Munich: Nazi museum opens in "home of the movement" | Journal