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Videos of playlist "PLSsv7pQ1MdUKGSj9FXLhAQjCcDpYw8XVU"

1:46 / How do you perform an Areola Reduction?

3:57 / Areola reduction - Live Surgery -Before and After

16:08 / Episode 20 (Part 2): areola reduction contd.., inverted nipple correction, cosmetic surgery tourism

4:09 / Areola Reduction - Before and After

3:13 / #ASKJJ - Are there different techniques for areolar reduction?

2:51 / #ASKJJ - Can you have breast augmentation and areola reduction in one procedure?

1:04 / #ASKJJ - Can you do an areolar reduction under general anaesthetic?

0:59 / #ASKJJ - Should I lose weight before an areolar reduction?

2:51 / #ASKJJ - Can I drive after local anaesthetic?

1:16 / Can Areola Reduction And Inverted Nipple Correction Be Performed In One Procedure?

2:17 / #AskJJ I currently have Breast Asymmetry and would also like an Areola Reduction, can you help?