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Videos of playlist "PLP0uDo-ZFnQOCpYx1_uVCrx_bmyq7tdKr"

34:55 / Intro: Rook - Alexander Trost, Cloudibility & Travis Nielsen, Red Hat

36:53 / Deep Dive: Rook - Jared Watts & Bassam Tabbara, Upbound

32:28 / Data Without Borders - Using Rook Storage Orchestration at a Global Scale - Jared Watts, Upbound

32:37 / Intro: Rook - Jared Watts, Upbound

35:50 / Deep Dive: Rook - Travis Nielsen, Red Hat & Alexander Trost, Cloudibility

33:07 / Adding a New Storage Provider to Rook - Jared Watts, Upbound

37:10 / Building a Storage Cluster with Kubernetes [I] - Bassam Tabbara, Quantum Corp.

41:40 / Infrastructure 2017 - Joseph Jacks - Native, Distributed Storage For Kubernetes

1:38:20 / CNCF Storage Meetup: September

57:17 / CNCF Storage WG 07/18/2017

32:07 / SDC 2017 - Advancing Clustered Storage Architecture with Kubernetes - Daniel Kerns

33:41 / Extending Kubernetes 101 [A] - Travis Nielsen, Quantum Corp

34:39 / Economics of using Local Storage Attached to VMs on Cloud Providers [I] - Pavel Snagovsky

35:31 / Kubernetes Runs Anywhere, but Does your Data? - Jared Watts, Upbound (Beginner Skill Level)

36:59 / Rook Deep Dive – Bassam Tabbara, Tony Allen & Jared Watts, Upbound

35:42 / Rook Project Intro – Bassam Tabbara, Tony Allen & Jared Watts, Upbound (Any Skill Level)

24:18 / GeekWire Cloud Tech: Running Stateful Workloads on Kubernetes

36:46 / Deep Dive: Rook - Jared Watts, Upbound

37:12 / Intro: Rook - Jared Watts, Upbound

33:12 / An Overview of CNCF Incubated Projects