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Videos of playlist "PLMsugXgjduxedwsvYEeZk2ZP0fGJxjWFE"

1:10:49 / Annual Ron Lister Lecture 6 Oct 2020 Professor Tony Binns (Geography)

1:03:28 / Dr Stephen Scott on "Understanding NCEA"

48:18 / Mark Briggs: Absolutism and the Price of Dissent

1:16:23 / Social cohesion product of respecting diversity: An Islamic perspective

1:22:41 / Can we Think Our Way to Peace?

1:11:08 / The value of your Bachelor of Arts (BA)

1:02:18 / Applied Philosophy. Wait. What?

56:48 / Why Hokusai's 'Great Wave' Matters

1:12:57 / Metaphor in the New Testament: Expressing the inexpressible through language

1:07:38 / Theories of sovereignty

1:02:09 / Roman attitudes to kings

1:06:39 / The Tarquins

1:03:22 / Romulus and the early kings

1:14:42 / Working with the Bible as a site of struggle in local communities

1:04:04 / The archaeology of archaic Rome

1:02:23 / The Bible as a site of struggle in South African Black Theology

1:05:07 / 'Site of struggle' in South African liberation theologies

1:09:40 / Thinking about kings

58:42 / Composing music: but is it research?

1:02:39 / Conservation and the history of the Otago Peninsula