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Videos of playlist "PLMsugXgjduxeDlsaEd9Uzd1aSv4JFl6hK"

1:02:18 / Applied Philosophy. Wait. What?

56:48 / Why Hokusai's 'Great Wave' Matters

58:42 / Composing music: but is it research?

49:30 / Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the Constitution, and our political imagination

54:08 / Criminal Attempts: how close is too close?

54:31 / Tax as Law

41:26 / Out of the myths: The birth of Philosophy

50:26 / The challenges of school leadership: Black holes and great joys!

53:51 / Toitū te Whenua, Toitū te Mana

1:05:24 / Hoka: Motivators of Time

58:42 / Dealing with Difference: Responses to uneven geographical development

51:18 / Murderous Politeness in Ancient Rome

57:58 / Reshaping the Baton: The enduring relevance of intellectual history

1:00:21 / “We need new forms”: Playful Adventures from Chekhov to Verbatim Theatre