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Videos of playlist "PLMrFM-P68Wh4o6KVmvT-it31OYPaHgJ7b"

4:09 / Why people are choosing to quit social media | BBC Ideas

3:26 / Is technology addiction a myth? | BBC Ideas

3:54 / What will your digital legacy be? | BBC Ideas

4:27 / Five ways to stop getting distracted | BBC Ideas

4:00 / Would George Orwell have had a smartphone? | BBC Ideas

7:11 / A brief history of media panics | BBC Ideas

3:58 / What would Freud make of our obsession with selfies? | BBC Ideas

4:56 / Are you sharing too much online? | BBC Ideas

4:45 / What would Foucault say about fake news? | BBC Ideas

5:07 / Have you been fooled by forensics on TV? | BBC Ideas

3:56 / Is social media messing with our emotions? | BBC Ideas

4:15 / 'I've never made a phone call in my life' | BBC Ideas

5:07 / Three ways to spot a conspiracy theory | BBC Ideas

5:13 / Why do we binge-watch? | BBC Ideas

7:54 / What exactly is an algorithm? Algorithms explained | BBC Ideas

5:29 / Seven video games that changed the world | BBC Ideas

5:19 / How to stop leaking information about yourself online | BBC Ideas

4:27 / My journey from rock bottom to the top | BBC Ideas

4:39 / The hidden meanings tucked inside famous logos | BBC Ideas

9:10 / The hidden clues that reveal who you are | BBC Ideas