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Videos of playlist "PLMjtoLHNjR0usN0-92Wx9rDPBDkfs5_tk"

26:09 / Fight counterfeits with AI, a practical example - Jantine Berkelaar #GlobalAiBootcamp2019

21:07 / Using AI to classify your SharePoint Data - Albert-Jan Schot & Rutger Knijnenburg #GlobalAIBootcamp

41:29 / Making Classification Error & Bias Transparent & Understandable - Emma Beauxis-Aussalet #GAIB2019

35:16 / Developing Production Ready AI using Team Data Science Process - Miquella de Boer # GlobalAIBootcamp

33:16 / Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) in Power BI - Dave Ruijter - #GlobalAIBootcamp2019

37:54 / Developers Guide to AI - Henk Boelman - Global AI Bootcamp The Netherlands

27:38 / It doesn't have to be Sci-fi to be AI - Willem Meints - Global AI Bootcamp 2019 The Netherlands

50:31 / Seth Juarez - Learn about the latest on Azure AI

34:53 / Willem Meints -

28:07 / Marian Dragt - Automated ML Visual Interface

30:37 / Automated Video Anonymization - Lucía Conde-Moreno

32:29 / MLOps in action - Pieter de Bruin

28:38 / Securing the web with AI - Callum Whyte

16:57 / "What's that fish?" - species recognition using the Custom Vision api - Jorrit Venema

1:44 / Global AI Bootcamp 2019 - The Netherlands Aftermovie