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Videos of playlist "PLMjtoLHNjR0ua5Rsf_polZly486M6vGUV"

59:02 / What is AI, and Why We Care

29:03 / Introduction to Machine Learning and an overview of popular algorithms.

31:17 / How to protect the oceans with AI and Open Source?

29:14 / PySpark : Combining Machine Learning & Big Data

28:04 / Help! I can't find what I need.

30:16 / Learn Technologies with Microsoft Learn: A Module Walkthrough with Student Ambassadors

29:36 / The current state and future of AI

25:11 / Build a quiz generator from your notes

33:33 / Talk and Demo on Sound Identification and Classification with Tensorflow

28:54 / Learning AI/ML: Is University the best place to do it?

28:04 / My Story, the Story AI Tells; Bias & Privacy

30:19 / Teaching your Models to play fair

28:40 / Real Time Object Detection With TensorFlow

30:51 / Anyone can AI with Azure Custom Vision

36:03 / How to Build Successful Career in AI/ML