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Videos of playlist "PLMjtoLHNjR0uRFRoaBHPgiAo6gWBNaaZh"

55:05 / Custom models using Azure Forms Recognizer Cognitive Service - Anupama Natarajan

39:47 / Machine learning operations: Applying DevOps to data science - Daiyu Hatakeyama

49:49 / How to build a chatbot from zero to one on WeChat - 佳芮 李(Jiarui Li)

50:35 / Start Building Machine Learning Models Faster than You Think - Cassie Breviu

53:32 / Using Pre-Built AI to Solve Business Challenges - David Smith

53:42 / Making sense of your unstructured data with AI - Seth Juarez

58:20 / How to start a data science career? - Mikaeri Ohana

55:38 / Make your applications interactive with Speech Services - Veronika Kolesnikova

57:39 / Let’s code a drone to follow faces! Using AI, Python, containers and more - Bruno Capuano

52:12 / Evolutionary Learning vs. The Zerg: Training & Evolving Star Craft II AIs in Python - Alan Smith

32:58 / PyTorch Community Update - Joe Spisak

54:52 / Using Neural Networks to Rewrite the "Game of Thrones" Ending - Jennifer Marsman

51:31 / Building Deep Neural Networks in .NET - Alexander Slotte

51:59 / Taking advantage of AI easily with Azure Cognitive Services - Laurent Bugnion

48:24 / Understanding AI Capabilities with the Journey of an Infant - Dawood Iddris

52:47 / Getting Ahead in Kaggle Competitions With Automated Machine Learning - Vlad Iliescu

51:37 / We are the guardians of our future - Tess Ferrandez-Norlander

53:59 / Building a scalable AI strategy with IPTOP - Hugo Bowne-Anderson

51:05 / Implementing AI into your apps without learning AI - Daron Yöndem

51:10 / Unsupervised Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis at Scale - Ari Bornstein