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Videos of playlist "PLJicmE8fK0EgyiWtKmiNMgVBFhkR2LmUi"

5:19 / Would you raise the bird that murdered your children? - Steve Rothstein

4:32 / Why can't some birds fly? - Gillian Gibb

5:42 / The spear-wielding stork who revolutionized science - Lucy Cooke

4:23 / How pigeons took over the world - Elizabeth Carlen and Joanna Moles

5:39 / The surprising reason birds sing - Partha P. Mitra

5:05 / The surprising secrets of hummingbird flight - Kristiina J. Hurme and Alejandro Rico-Guevara

5:06 / Vultures: The acid-puking, plague-busting heroes of the ecosystem - Kenny Coogan

3:27 / How did feathers evolve? - Carl Zimmer

4:10 / Bird migration, a perilous journey - Alyssa Klavans

5:24 / The popularity, plight and poop of penguins - Dyan deNapoli

5:12 / History through the eyes of a chicken - Chris A. Kniesly

5:04 / Why can parrots talk? - Grace Smith-Vidaurre and Tim Wright

5:32 / The real reason dodo birds went extinct - Leon Claessens