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Videos of playlist "PLJicmE8fK0EgeNOExG1BAMzk5im7NriG9"

4:40 / What if cracks in concrete could fix themselves? - Congrui Jin

4:45 / What are mini brains? - Madeline Lancaster

4:20 / Why is NASA sending a spacecraft to a metal world? - Linda T. Elkins-Tanton

4:34 / What is metallic glass? - Ashwini Bharathula

5:29 / How CRISPR lets you edit DNA - Andrea M. Henle

4:47 / Using radioactive drugs to see inside your body - Pedro Brugarolas

8:01 / How to biohack your cells to fight cancer - Greg Foot

5:20 / The hidden network that makes the internet possible - Sajan Saini

5:25 / How do self-driving cars “see”? - Sajan Saini

5:16 / The high-stakes race to make quantum computers work - Chiara Decaroli

5:12 / How to 3D print human tissue - Taneka Jones

5:11 / Hacking bacteria to fight cancer - Tal Danino

4:40 / Could a breathalyzer detect cancer? - Julian Burschka

5:18 / How to perform brain surgery without making a single cut - Hyunsoo Joshua No

5:48 / Should you donate your DNA to help cure diseases? - Greg Foot

4:57 / Could we build a wooden skyscraper? - Stefan Al

5:08 / How the COVID-19 vaccines were created so quickly - Kaitlyn Sadtler and Elizabeth Wayne

5:55 / How we can detect pretty much anything - Hélène Morlon and Anna Papadopoulou

5:25 / Why don’t we cover the desert with solar panels? - Dan Kwartler

5:20 / The surprisingly long history of electric cars - Daniel Sperling and Gil Tal