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Videos of playlist "PLGGpadyh0wS5IdsmIdqA5h5MXdIGc7_5a"

1:00:26 / Tali Sharot | Look Again: The Power of Noticing What Was Always There | Talks at Google

36:47 / Charan Ranganath | Why We Remember | Talks at Google

30:18 / Kanchan Koya | Food and Spices as Medicine | Talks at Google

47:17 / Sharon Salzberg | Finding Your Way | Talks at Google

45:15 / The Anxious Achiever | Morra Aarons-Mele | Talks at Google

1:00:40 / Life in Five Senses | Gretchen Rubin | Talks at Google

39:37 / Everyday Courage in the Face of Anxiety | Ali Mattu | Talks at Google

47:06 / Building Your Digital Twin | Roger Highfield and Peter Coveney | Talks at Google

47:25 / Real Self-Care | Dr. Pooja Lakshmin | Talks at Google

50:39 / The Microstress Effect | Rob Cross & Karen Dillon | Talks at Google

47:17 / The New Science of Eating Well | Tim Spector | Talks at Google

1:04:27 / Cultivating Wellness at Work | Devi Brown | Talks at Google

45:48 / Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence | Anna Lembke | Talks at Google

44:46 / The Power of the Highly Sensitive Person | Andre Sólo & Jenn Granneman | Talks at Google

37:27 / Create Boundaries and Embrace Self-Healing | Yasmine Cheyenne | Talks at Google

44:11 / The New Science of Finding Focus & Fighting Distraction | Gloria Mark | Talks at Google

57:18 / Uncover Your Power and Set Yourself Free | Alexandra Elle | Talks at Google

1:00:18 / Why We Get Resilience Wrong and The Surprising Science of Real Toughness | Talks at Google

59:48 / Tiago Forte | Building a Second Brain | Talks at Google

57:36 / Dr. Sara Mednick | The Power of the Downstate | Talks at Google