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Videos of playlist "PLGGpadyh0wS5CFr9XWM5jQ6gJlrzRQpPo"

53:51 / Becky G | We’re on our Way | Talks at Google

56:44 / Reggie Watts | Great Falls, MT | Talks at Google

57:49 / Lila Downs | Journey, Career & Beyond | Talks at Google

58:27 / Mariana Costa Checa | Changing the Face of Tech in Latin America | Talks at Google

1:01:27 / Chiquis Rivera | Unstoppable: How I Found My Strength Through Love and Loss | Talks at Google

52:31 / Aarón Sánchez | Creating Legacy Through Food | Talks at Google

57:02 / Jorge R. Gutierrez | Animation is Film: Secrets of the Super Macho | Talks at Google

1:01:29 / Lex Borrero | The New Multi-Hyphenate | Talks at Google

57:23 / Maria Cornejo | Slow Fashion & Sustainability | Talks at Google

46:09 / Rodrigo Oliveira | Mocotó - Culinária Brasileira | Talks at Google

53:35 / Marcello Canuto | Mapping the World of the Maya | Talks at Google

30:47 / Amanda Martinez | Libre & Beyond | Talks at Google

59:04 / Sis and Karen Olivo | The Next Generation Project | Talks at Google

1:08:47 / César Hidalgo | How Humans Judge Machines | Talks at Google

46:53 / Lali Espósito | Libra y más allá | Talks at Google

1:04:13 / Ana Pastor | El Emprendimiento de la Mujer en un Mundo Mayoritariamente Masculino | Talks at Google

56:51 / Oscar Pierre | Trabaja Mientras Otros Duermen y Vive Lo Que Otros Sueñan | Talks at Google

1:02:08 / JW Cortés | Resilience, Service, and Dreams | Talks at Google

52:13 / El Artista Argentino más Escuchado | Abel Pintos | Talks at Google

1:09:06 / Su Infierno Personal y como Evitar que se Repita Mediante | Ousman Umar | Talks at Google