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Videos of playlist "PLFSKBmzmv_It1rbMqLWoIQWfvXgRjQCPB"

8:03 / Prank Calling the FBI Was a Bad Idea (got caught..)

7:36 / Pranking the World’s Worst Boss (animated revenge prank)

5:41 / Pranking a Violent Gang Member for 4 Years (animated)

5:52 / Revenge on Racist Neighbor (animated prank call)

5:28 / Angry Driver EXPLODES on Crazy Mexican (animated)

6:05 / Worst Thief Ever Sells Stolen Items to COPS (animated)

6:35 / Crazy Bird Lady LOSES IT after Doxxing (animated prank call)

9:02 / You Puked in My Uber Prank (animated)

5:17 / FURIOUS Old Man Disrespects Tyrone’s Momma (animated prank call) **FUNNY**

5:10 / Accidentally Calling a Racist Hillbilly (ANIMATED)

9:39 / Trolling Filthy Motel for 7 Days (ANIMATED)

12:22 / This Landlord LOVES Cockroaches (I Get Revenge) - ANIMATED

7:05 / UK Mom Confronts Daughter's Dealer - FREAKS OUT! (Ownage pranks animated)


6:03 / Roasting the World’s Dumbest Scammers (animated)