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Videos of playlist "PLF-q-IGQQb1sLZqZ9CVlhkMD_9lOTpAeV"

18:17 / Chinese New Year’s decorations, goods and snacks!丨Liziqi Channel

22:45 / The life of purple rice, pumpkins, and … peanuts 丨Liziqi Channel

20:34 / A pot of wine among watermelon fields.So…The life of watermelons and grapes? 丨Liziqi Channel

10:12 / Peanut and melon seeds, dried meat, dried fruit, snowflake cake - snacks for Spring Festival

18:00 / Firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, and tea. One can’t live without salt.丨Liziqi Channel

10:06 / Liuzhou "Luosifen": Slurpy, Spicy, and Absolutely Satisfying | Liziqi Channel

19:08 / The life of roses. | Rose is a treasure flower: Beautiful, eatable, and full of love.丨Liziqi Channel

21:59 / “The life of rapeseed oil”《菜籽油的一生》之*钵钵鸡,蛋黄酥,油焖笋,咸蛋黄小龙虾)哈!哈!丨Liziqi Channel

17:44 / The life of tomato~The flowers bloomed,and the tomatoes are now red.Tomato hot pot!Here we go!Liziqi

19:51 / The life of cucumbers.It tastes like Li Ziqi’s summer. How about yours?丨Liziqi Channel

5:14 / It’s a red mountain, and in the fall, it’s natural to make some sweet persimmons.

10:05 / In order to avoid the crowd, spring outing near my house on the Shangsi Festival! | Liziqi channel

11:21 / The…The Life of Cotton, I promise next time I will come up with a new name of series.

7:53 / Cool and sweet berry ice cream, the taste of summer | Liziqi Channel

9:27 / The best food for summer------Many kinds of jam. 丨Liziqi Channel

6:37 / I planted shiitake mushrooms in the mountain! | Liziqi Channel

7:25 / Best Time of Year to Comsume Juicy and Tender Bamboo Shoots; Pick As Much As You Like

6:09 / How to make Salted Duck Egg Yolk Sauce(Chinese Mayonnaise)|Liziqi Channel

6:57 / When you missed the good time to dig wild vegetables, you also missed this spring.

5:31 / Congee with pickled mustard plant stem and plum blossom pastries, a simple home-cooked breakfast