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Videos of playlist "PL9eU2YdwAqQOizHPbuuaB09Yy6MA7t59q"

3:52 / River's Sacrifice - Forest of the Dead - Doctor Who - BBC

4:11 / Run, You Clever Boy! | Asylum of the Daleks | Doctor Who | BBC

3:30 / "Have a FANTASTIC life" | The Parting of the Ways | Doctor Who | BBC

3:00 / Doctor Who - Journey's End - Donna's mind is wiped

4:05 / The Doctor Kisses 'Stardust' Astrid | Voyage of the Damned | Doctor Who

4:17 / Clara Dies on Christmas Day | The Snowmen | Doctor Who

4:21 / Rose and the Doctor Are Separated Forever | Doomsday | Doctor Who

4:11 / Amy and Rory Jump | The Angels Take Manhattan | Doctor Who

4:00 / Doctor Who - The Angels take Manhattan - Amy and Rory's death

4:20 / The Life Of John Smith | The Family of Blood | Doctor Who | BBC

1:33 / RORY DIES | S05E09

5:14 / Doctor Who: Ten's regeneration