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Videos of playlist "PL8YXCAVvtM1NLpeJoHEsfssNpEN5ij3L0"

4:54 / Shorthand: How is a teacher helping his students secure government jobs? - BBC URDU

2:09 / 'It is weird, but fun': Abandoned shopping mall turned into high school - BBC URDU

2:04 / Career and Jobs: What are the Top 10 Fastest Growing Jobs in the World? - BBC URDU

2:58 / Crowdfunding: What is it and why are people being criticized for seeking it in Pakistan? - BBC URDU

3:20 / Free school in Peshawar that helps underprivileged Afghan children - BBC URDU

3:19 / Pakistan: The only school for differently-abled students in Bajaur District - BBC URDU

8:48 / Sairbeen: How is social media helping Pakistani students secure foreign degrees - BBC

1:46 / Gaza: Children flock to the Quran learning centres in response to Quran burning - BBC URDU

2:29 / Afghan children: ‘I pray my father finds work so we can go back to school’ - BBC URDU

2:12 / Australian Immigration policy changes impacting Pakistani students - BBC URDU

1:42 / Facebook Marketplace Scams: How can you protect yourself from fraudsters? - BBC URDU

1:27 / The night school for child labourers - BBC URDU