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Videos of playlist "PL6kQg8bP1Ji7jG3v6xxD_3d8VUaURo34M"

29:19 / Managing the Test Data Nightmare - Andrew Knight

45:26 / Open Source All The Things - Andrew Zigler

17:48 / What We Learned Dissecting the World's Most Popular Containers - Ayse Kaya

22:16 / Observability Best Practices for Shift-Left Software Development - Jemiah Sius

34:03 / Disaster Recovery & You: The Gift of Paranoia - Valerie Regas

46:53 / Get Started With Kubernetes and GitOps - Justin Lai & Priyanka Ravi - Weaveworks

45:19 / Cloud-Native CI/CD in Kubernetes with Tekton - Brent Laster

24:05 / Achieving 99.99% Uptime with Open Source Observability - Daniel Kim

37:41 / Accelerate Local Development on Kubernetes using Telepresence - Edidiong Asikpo

48:44 / Level-Up Your DevOps with GitHub Actions and Kubernetes - Rob Richardson