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Videos of playlist "PL6kQg8bP1Ji5DVqqtLMNdrigPaBs2BVtG"

38:36 / 5 Open Source Security Tools All Developers Should Know About - Chris Koehnecke & Zach Rice - Jit

23:58 / Building Location-Based AR Android Apps - Erica Stanley

46:40 / Tips & Tricks for Writing Fast and Maintainable Front-End Tests - Gleb Bahmutov

14:16 / One for Auth and Auth for One - Kim Maida

46:34 / Developing for Linux on Windows with WSL and Windows Terminal - Scott Hanselman

18:01 / How to Optimize Non-Coding Time - Yishai Beeri

41:11 / Next Generation Angular Applications with Vite and Analog - Brandon Roberts

31:26 / Designing for VR & AR - Darrien Staton

45:10 / Deep Learning Like a Viking: Building Convolutional Neural Networks with Keras - Guy Royse

42:46 / QWIK: A No-Hydration Instant-On Personalized Web Applications - Misko Hevery