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Videos of playlist "PL5vNCmhoNMAnCC1NyWTHJIC-CrH0p8PcQ"

11:05 / Call of Duty Vanguard but it’s my first time… 😩

10:55 / Call of Duty Vanguard moments where we find all the bugs and glitches...

14:10 / Call of Duty Vanguard moments that make me cancel my preorder...

11:25 / Call of Duty Vanguard moments where I snipe everyone over and over again...

13:01 / Call of Duty Vanguard moments that show their anticheat doesn't work at all... (HACKER)

11:25 / Call of Duty Vanguard but they messed up letting me trash talk enemies the WHOLE game...

10:04 / Call of Duty Vanguard moments that get me all hot and bothered…

10:31 / Call of Duty Vanguard Zombies is not what you expected…

10:53 / Vanguard moments that already have everyone mad at me on release night...

10:38 / Call of Duty Vanguard killcams are extra af...

10:17 / Vanguard but this killstreak is completely broken in SnD…

12:43 / Vanguard but we abuse all the broken shotguns to make people angry…

11:43 / Vanguard moments that prove stun grenades are OP…

14:22 / Vanguard but we found a glitch that let's you float 100 ft above the map... (IT'S BROKEN)

12:40 / Vanguard moments that make people have fun... (this title is a lie they don't have fun)

15:09 / Vanguard moments where the glitches just keep comin…

10:41 / Vanguard but I hit a sniper shot from outer space with this elevator glitch…

12:50 / Vanguard moments where Kermit makes thanksgiving dinner very uncomfortable...

11:16 / Vanguard but I keep getting into spots I'm not supposed to be... 😏

10:50 / Vanguard moments where people definitely reported me for cheating…