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Videos of playlist "PL4CGYNsoW2iAJ-sze_iwrHvnZ4sZR9Hk_"

3:38 / DealBook - Nasdaq Drops N.Y.S.E. Bid

3:47 / DealBook - Debate: Foreclosures

3:29 / DealBook - Viewpoints: Bernanke's Only Choice? -

3:24 / DealBook - Charlie Rose Show: Rattner Blasts Cuomo

3:42 / DealBook - Viewpoints: Research Being Criminalized?

2:33 / DealBook - Google's Play For Local Businesses

3:23 / DealBook - DealBook: Cuomo Brings Suit Against Ernst & Young | The New York Times

4:00 / DealBook - Portraits: Robert H. Benmosche -

3:09 / DealBook - Learning the Tools of the Trader

2:49 / DealBook - Putting a Price Tag on Facebook | The New York Times

4:20 / DealBook - In 500-Investor Law, Arbitrary Threshold

3:39 / DealBook - Why Did a Goldman Unit Pass on Facebook?

4:04 / DealBook - Viewpoints: Wall Street After Elections

6:41 / DealBook - Is Facebook Worth $50 Billion?

3:03 / DealBook - In Cupcake Chain, Decadent Dreams

4:21 / The Golden Ticket at Goldman Sachs | The New York Times

2:52 / DealBook - Viewpoints: Has Compensation Changed?

4:49 / DealBook - How a Hotel Case May Affect Buyouts

2:22 / DealBook - For Markets, All Eyes on Egypt

4:03 / DealBook - Portraits: Gary Gensler