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Videos of playlist "PL2KEtU5wGx-H2gjMK93Xcn0k6MH9eS-en"

8:25 / Extinct tree from the time of Jesus rises from the dead in Israel - BBC REEL

5:40 / What identical twins separated at birth teach us about genetics - BBC REEL

7:17 / Is a vegan diet healthier than eating meat and dairy? - BBC REEL

7:05 / Fertility crisis: Is modern life making men infertile? - BBC REEL

6:38 / Can squatting boost your brain power? - BBC REEL

5:41 / Three simple ways to deactivate your bad genes - BBC REEL

7:03 / Why exercising doesn't always mean you burn calories - BBC REEL

5:34 / What a lack of sunlight really does to our brains - BBC REEL

7:30 / How pregnancy dramatically resculpts the brain - BBC REEL

6:26 / An ingenious way to run faster - BBC REEL

4:45 / The truth about eating eggs - BBC REEL

8:00 / Henrietta Lacks: The 'immortal' cells that changed the world - BBC REEL

5:12 / The fruit that can kill - BBC REEL

5:14 / The surprising behaviour that stunned scientists - BBC REEL

7:24 / How sweating reveals what we want to hide - BBC REEL

6:22 / Why we cannot go faster than light - BBC REEL

8:32 / The forgotten genius who invented our future – BBC REEL

 / [Private video]