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Videos of playlist "PL0jp-uZ7a4g8nkxmPFwEd1NOYNrgfVc7O"

3:29 / The Beatles - Hello, Goodbye

4:00 / The Beatles - Blue Jay Way

0:43 / Paul Defending London's 'Counter Culture' on the TV Programme "Scene" in 1967

0:47 / Making I Am The Walrus

0:23 / Magical Mystery Tour: Flying

0:38 / I Am The Walrus

0:28 / Ringo gets his ticket

0:48 / ARENA Paul: Another Side of John

0:31 / ARENA: Peter Fonda "We don't have our own film"

0:42 / ARENA: Paul Gambaccini: It's a graft of Englishness and Psychedelia

0:30 / ARENA: Paul "We always thought we were the megaphone"

 / [Private video]