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Playlists of channel "UCCIYIaHy0uL57K_OwIJAxUA", see also videos

15 videos /  Special Sunday Services!

3 videos /  New Year

12 videos /  Love

6 videos /  Jesus

12 videos /  Community

15 videos /  Wellbeing

16 videos /  Christianity and Religion

16 videos /  Encouragement

8 videos /  Christmas

2 videos /  Feast: Christmas at The Shore (2023)

4 videos /  The Radical Kingdom

15 videos /  The Good News According to Genesis

3 videos /  Soul Music: Worshipping in Spirit & Truth

4 videos /  Follow the Star (Christmas 2022)

5 videos /  The Making of the Fellowship

92 videos /  Talks at The Shore Community Church

9 videos /  Prayer: Songs in the Key of Life

3 videos /  A Perfect Christmas? (Christmas 2021)

7 videos /  The Born (From Above) Identity

20 videos /  Act Now!

3 videos /  Storytelling through Ruth (Apr-May 2021)

6 videos /  Godwords (Jan-Feb 2021)

6 videos /  Lent: Spiritual Practices (Feb-Mar 2021)

74 videos /  The Shore Worship Playlist

2 videos /  Sunday Highlights

5 videos /  Bonus Features!

210 videos /  Sunday Services