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Videos of channel "UCoC47do520os_4DBMEFGg4A", see also playlists

#1 / 18:00 /  31M views /  2 years ago /  Firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, and tea. One can’t live without salt.丨Liziqi Channel

#2 / 19:05 /  18M views /  2 years ago /  Wine table of winding canal—an exciting by-product of watching TV! 丨Liziqi Channel

#3 / 14:05 /  19M views /  2 years ago /  Tea is more than a drink, but a lifestyle.丨Liziqi Channel

#4 / 19:08 /  25M views /  3 years ago /  Make a peach blossom crown with silk flowers.丨Liziqi Channel

#5 / 18:17 /  21M views /  3 years ago /  Chinese New Year’s decorations, goods and snacks!丨Liziqi Channel

#6 / 19:33 /  20M views /  3 years ago /  The last episode of the “Life Series”: The life of white radish!丨Liziqi Channel

#7 / 20:12 /  22M views /  3 years ago /  May the red, red persimmons bring you a happy, prosperous new year!❤️ | Liziqi Channel

#8 / 19:59 /  29M views /  3 years ago /  The life of taro…and pepper is today’s treat .丨Liziqi Channel

#9 / 22:45 /  61M views /  3 years ago /  The life of purple rice, pumpkins, and … peanuts 丨Liziqi Channel

#10 / 20:34 /  84M views /  3 years ago /  A pot of wine among watermelon fields.So…The life of watermelons and grapes? 丨Liziqi Channel

#11 / 19:08 /  41M views /  3 years ago /  The life of roses. | Rose is a treasure flower: Beautiful, eatable, and full of love.丨Liziqi Channel

#12 / 18:25 /  35M views /  3 years ago /  Finally, a different title! “The life of okra and bamboo fence, LOL 丨Liziqi Channel

#13 / 19:51 /  54M views /  3 years ago /  The life of cucumbers.It tastes like Li Ziqi’s summer. How about yours?丨Liziqi Channel

#14 / 17:44 /  46M views /  3 years ago /  The life of tomato~The flowers bloomed,and the tomatoes are now red.Tomato hot pot!Here we go!Liziqi

#15 / 6:07 /  20M views /  3 years ago /  Dragon boat zongziDragon boat racing,eating zongzi,hanging wormwood,and drinking realgar wine.Liziqi

#16 / 7:03 /  16M views /  3 years ago /  As a kid, I used to eat zongzi wrapped in shells of bamboo shoots.丨Liziqi Channel

#17 / 21:59 /  50M views /  3 years ago /  “The life of rapeseed oil”《菜籽油的一生》之*钵钵鸡,蛋黄酥,油焖笋,咸蛋黄小龙虾)哈!哈!丨Liziqi Channel

#18 / 17:24 /  47M views /  3 years ago /  You wouldn’t expect that today’s video is called "The Life of Potato"! | Liziqi Channel

#19 / 19:05 /  38M views /  3 years ago /  The life of wheat! Which is your favorite food made from wheat?关于小麦的一生,你最爱吃哪种面食?丨Liziqi Channel

#20 / 12:29 /  24M views /  4 years ago /  So …it goes like…the life of peas!那…只有豌豆的一生了!不是说好“下个视频”你们帮我取标题的吗?丨Liziqi Channel

#21 / 12:27 /  35M views /  4 years ago /  The life of garlic 蒜的一生,实在想不出有创意的名字了!下次你们帮我想! | Liziqi Channel

#22 / 10:05 /  21M views /  4 years ago /  In order to avoid the crowd, spring outing near my house on the Shangsi Festival! | Liziqi channel

#23 / 6:40 /  10M views /  4 years ago /  (EP2)The life of blue calico dresses hand-dyed by Li Ziqi? 蓝草的一生?蓝印花布的一生?还是李子柒花裙子的一生?丨Liziqi Channel

#24 / 9:48 /  10M views /  4 years ago /  (EP1)蓝草的一生?蓝印花布的一生?还是李子柒花裙子的一生?The life of blue calico dresses hand-dyed by Li Ziqi?

#25 / 11:21 /  56M views /  4 years ago /  The…The Life of Cotton, I promise next time I will come up with a new name of series.

#26 / 10:55 /  37M views /  4 years ago /  Lap Mei claypot rice | pig maw and chicken soup with pepper 当腊味煲仔饭遇上胡椒猪肚鸡你又以为有故事?还是没有!Liziqi Channel

#27 / 11:11 /  13M views /  4 years ago /  当烙锅遇上缙云烧饼,你以为有故事?并没有!When the flipping pan meets sesamecake,you think there will be a story?

#28 / 11:04 /  21M views /  4 years ago /  一颗黄豆到一滴酱油传统手工酿造酱油Traditional handicraft.Turn a soybean seed into a drop of soy sauce丨Liziqi Channel

#29 / 10:38 /  20M views /  4 years ago /  In the cold winter,eat ginger,can warm the whole day. | Liziqi Channel

#30 / 9:41 /  25M views /  4 years ago /  Tell me, what else can you eat besides hot pot on a snowy day? | Liziqi Channel